Friday, September 19, 2014

This Little Pi-Wait. What the hell? No!

Today I read This Little Piggy by Craig McGray.


James wakes up with no recollection of how he ended up shoved into a culvert full of corpses in the backwoods. He struggles to escape the confines of the pipe and quickly realizes he should have stayed home that night. Here, Piggy, Piggy!

**Warning: This Little Piggy is a short HORROR story not intended for anyone who may be offended by graphic language or scenes of violence. Please, don't read this story if you are squeamish. Really, there's some nasty stuff in here."

I was like, "Yeah, right, it probably has what you think is some nasty stuff." I was kind of wrong. This guy wakes up in a culvert filled with bodies, as the description says, and his limbs are all broken and stuff so he painfully drags himself out and remembers why he ended up in there in the first place.

It turns out he is a murderer and a rapist, and some guy catches him trying to rape and kill his sister. He beats the shit out of him and rapes him with a mop handle then puts him in the culvert.

Then when he crawls out, the guy finds him again, more beating, et cetera, and then he feeds him to some pigs.

So yeah, the description doesn't lie. There is some "nasty stuff." In fact, the "nasty stuff" accounts for basically 100% of the story.

Wait, Why in the Hell was this Written?: 5 out of 5. This was literally just descriptions of all the sickest shit this guy could think of. There is technically a story, but why do I need to read it, and why the hell was it written? It is interesting to introduce a character and get us thinking he is a victim and leave the reason he is in this situation a mystery until Act 2. But the answer to that mystery was kind of a fucking story killer (pun? I guess?). Yeah it's unique to get us in the point of view of a rapist and killer, but the fact of him being a rapist and killer doesn't serve much of a purpose in this story other than letting us know it's okay to watch him get tortured to death in medically defying horrible ways. Personally I was okay with it until he got his teeth smashed out and some went down his throat. So...I guess... good job on the descriptions?

The Ending: Totally Unnecessary out of 5. So in the end the huge guy that kills the "protagonist" goes back and tells his sister that he's dead. Then they fuck. I'm not kidding, it's like a redneck guy with all the cliches of speech and mannerisms and the incest. What literary or entertainment purpose does that serve? I mean, you could really dig for reasons to include this and be like, "Rednecks. Incest. ...HA!" That stereotype being funny is the only thing this ending does. Fine, I make poop jokes all the time, this guy can have his cheap laughs too. But not to fucking end a story. A story fucking chock full of murder, especially. All them murders need answering for.

Actually, Technically all the Murders Have Been Solved, from the Point of View of the Reader: Countless out of Bodies. This story really had so little going on other than torture that I'm just going to keep talking about that. Seriously, what am I going to review all the torture scenes and critique their value as a form of art? I'm sure to someone it is art, and it has to have been written for a reason. That sounds really critical, but I'm not being ironic. It is literally a sadistic story, and it seemed to want to be cathartic or something. All I can really do when faced with this information is just assume that this Craig McGray author guy is actually a rapist murderer and this story is a fantasy of how he wants to punish himself. Or he thought guts are cool.

Overall: 2 out of 5. I don't really want to give it that high of a score, I really didn't enjoy reading this, but technically it doesn't break any of the rules I'm always bitching about, so... Yeah.

On a lighter note, if you would like to check out my snuff series, go to

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