Monday, May 19, 2014

The Mighty Peculiar Incident in My Pants

This week I read The Might Peculiar Incident at Muddy Creek by Ian Thomas Healy.

Description: "When the train doesn't stop in the Old West town of Muddy Creek, Sheriff Jesse Hawkins goes to investigate. What he finds is a mystery that goes far beyond anything in his experience: a car full of people frozen in time."

Well this story begins with all the cliches of a Western movie. The sheriff is the main character, and he walks into the office where the deputy greets him then wakes up the town drunk with water then goes out to find some whores. If you like reading the same story you have heard a thousand times, this is for you.

Oh, but wait! The sheriff deputizes a reluctant sidekick... yeah I guess that's still expected. B-but they chase down a train on horseback! ...uh...

Well once they stop the train, things are a bit different. Everyone is frozen solid inside the train car. They have no idea what's going on because, in the sheriff's words, "I ain't got no book learnin'." Oh sheriff, you cliche bastard.

Anyway, the Scotsman who was deputized presses a button on a strange device and the moment in time continues where it left off. Turns out there are criminals from the future trying to rob the train to invest the money and get interest.

Just one question. These future people are all ragged and lower-class sounding criminals. If time traveling devices are common enough for them to get hold of one, why isn't the past just filled with tons of people robbing trains for money and going back to the future to live off the interest?

No, okay, I know what you're thinking. "They could have stolen the time machine." Then why didn't they sell it, since it is obviously rare? "Maybe they invented it?" Then, again, why didn't they just sell it and become rich?

Sorry, I know, it's just a story. So, the sheriff asks how she can come back in time and rob a train without fucking up her own time, and she explains that a group of injuns is supposed to raid the train five miles before Muddy Creek and kill everyone anyway. The sheriff informs her the pinkerton man that shot her time machine and froze time fucked that plan because now they are already past Muddy Creek.

But fuck that lady's timeline, she's under arrest.

The End.


Consistent Sheriff: 0 out of 5. This one is quite simple. When he says, "I ain't got no book learnin'" when the Scotsman asks if the shiny future looking device could have frozen time, why in the fucking fuck did the sheriff immediately catch on and point out the contradiction in the criminals' plan that they would change their own timeline? "This's the Wild West. We slang guns, spit tabbaky, and ponder thought expuriments."

Speaking of that Timeline...: 0 out of 5. This story ended way too abruptly. Nothing was resolved. Except a lady was arrested, I guess, but it really seems to me like the real interesting story begins there. I guess this author just wanted to describe a bullet frozen in midair instead of the ramifications of this time criminal's actions, where she came from, or the way the town reacted to her.

Speaking of Reactions...: 0 out of 5. For unlearned country bumpkins, these people take future wizardry in fucking stride. I guess it sort of adds to the sheriff's character if he just gives not a single fuck about all the fancy shit the future people do, but it seems like he would be a little more interested. Or anyone on the train. They all just sort of bail as soon as possible without a word, and nobody is like, "Damn, we should find out what this lady has to say about the future." Well Muddy Creek don't roll that way. They gots mud, and that's the way they like it.

Overall: 3 out of 5. This story was okay, it just wasn't very good. It wasn't bad either, it was just a story. Time travel seems almost like cheating when people put it in stories, but at the same time it brings up so many contradictions that it almost cancels the gimmick out. Except for Looper. Looper totally made sense.

If you want to see my stories about time travel (which includes every single one of my stories) go to

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